Join us and increase your skills as a helping professional through Brainspotting orientation.
Space Limited to 10 participants
The Brainspotting (BSP) Intensive was devised by David Grand, founder and developer of BSP to provide the ultimate learning experience for BSP therapists.
***This training intensive is approved by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC and meets the requirement for Brainspotting certification in lieu of at least 6 hours of consultation with an approved Brainspotting consultant/trainer. Both Phase 1 and 2 are required for certification. Learn more about the certification process here.
During Brainspotting training, Tracy Gantlin-Monroy is often asked, "how did you know that?" "Where did you learn that?" "What was that?" "I was processing with the demo!" "When I was doing my practicum, something came up I thought was cleared, what was that about?" "What is happening in this space, I never experienced that before?!" "My client client client had a deep and my client were unable to work with that previous to Brainspotting!" Yes, yes, and yes, this is your opportunity to deepen your Brainspotting "bones," be coached by David's mentee, trained 1 on 1 by the founder of Brainspotting, and increase insight with the skill while seizing an opportunity for transformation.
Total cost for the intensive is $2000 (does not include airfare/transportation nor lodging). Register and pay your initial deposit of $1000. The second half of payment will be due by May 20, 2025. This is a 5-day, in-person, BIPOC experience and an opportunity to "learn by experiencing" as you participate in both client/practitioner roles in a supportive environment.
The Brainspotting (BSP) Intensive was devised by David Grand, founder and developer of BSP to provide the ultimate learning experience for BSP practitioners. The registration is capped at 10 participants and the schedule is five full consecutive days. There are 10 neuro-experientials in the center of the group with each participant being therapist/practitioner once and the client once. Tracy Gantlin-Monroy, MDiv, LPC sits next to the practitioner/therapist and personally teaches by guiding the therapist in the most attuned, technically advanced and innovative BSP process. Afterwards, each session is debriefed extensively enhancing the learning process. In sum, the Intensive is a master class in developing skills as an advanced clinical BSP therapist and an opportunity to do your work as a practitioner.
Completion of live in-person or online Phase 1 and Phase 2 trainings.
We will be working each day from 9 am - 6 pm Monday through Friday.
Cost of Intensive:
$2,000.00 USD per person.
Secure your Space to attend:
To secure your spot for the intensive, a $1,000 deposit is required, with total payment due by May 20, 2025. Please contact us if you are in need of a payment plan. We would be ecstatic to have you.
Lodging Information:
The office is located at 777 Cleveland Ave SW #301, Atlanta, GA 30315. (The location is less than 6 miles away for the airport. The city of Hapeville has hotels and food options to include surrounding areas East Point and College Park.)
Airport Information:
Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport
Cancelation/refund policy:
Cancellation and Refund Policy (BIPOC Brainspotting Intensive - Atlanta):
We understand situations arise. If you need to cancel please
contact us at Please be sure that you are
able to attend all 5-days of the intensive training. All cancellations received
by midnight ET, April 10, 2025 will receive a full refund less applicable
processing and/or equipment fees ($75). ALL cancellations received on/after
April 11, 2025 - June 15, 2025 will receive a 50% refund less any applicable
processing and/or equipment fees ($75). After June 16, 2025, attendee would be
allowed to attend another intensive training for up to 1 year from original
BIPOC Phase 1 October 6-8, 2024 Training
"When I stumbled upon Brainspotting, I knew that it was the modality that I would align with, however, Ms. Tracy solidified that. The BIPOC Phase 1 training was beyond what I expected. Combined with her intuitiveness, authenticity and graceful spirit, Ms. Tracy and her team provided a safe space and life changing experience for both my professional and personal being. In her gentle way of doing so, I was able to learn and unlearn parts of myself, which will help with my attunement with my clients, but also myself in my own healing journey. Prior to discovering Brainspotting and Ms.Tracy, I felt lost at sea with the modality to practice with my clients. During Day 1 of this training, I felt like I finally found the shoreline I had been searching for- solid ground where I can anchor my skills and navigate my clients' healing journeys with purpose and direction. This was more than a "training"! If you have stumbled across Ms. Tracy, it is for a reason. Take the next step, invest in your clients, but most importantly, invest in yourself. This is such a supportive community and I will definitely be investing in any future trainings that she has to offer. " -Khiara Mills
Phase 2 April 12-14 BIPOC Training
"Tracy is a wonderful trainer, but more importantly, she is intuitive and knowingly inspires
beautifully, allowing uncertainty to evolve. The training gave me the guidance to be
authentic and showed me how the truth shifted me into my graciousness of being. This
BIPOC training flows, and by the time it is over, you will know that you are beautiful and
capable, and I will be more energetic and understand your place in healing as I have.
My heartfelt energy is abundant, and Tracy was the guide for me to honor my soul’s
space. I want the same for all of you to be encouraged to be part of the healing nation
and take Tracy’s BIPOC Phase 2 training. I appreciate you!"
-Sandra Hinton
Tracy's Presentation: Marginalized Communities Serving the Culturally Diverse
Published with Raji's permission: her words will forever be with me. There's something about grace and abundant love. Take a read below, this message is insightful.
Dear Ms. Tracy,
I wanted to thank you for this past weekend - I feel like I can actually do brainspotting with my clients now! In the past, I have definitely felt insecure about being slower than other therapists. While I enjoy trainings, I often feel overwhelmed and exhausted by 3-days. In the past, I questioned my dedication because I couldn't do phase 2 trainings immediately after phase 1 but after this weekend, I realized I was just listening to my own system and I'm so glad I did.
Though I was nervous I forgot everything from phase 1, having the year in between your trainings allowed me to process slowly. I realized that brainspotting as a whole modality allows me to go slower ultimately helping me be in my own body and more present as a therapist. Something that is not as easy with EMDR... I gained more confidence, inspiration and insight as a clinician this weekend. Your training taught me brainspotting but also attunement. I'm going to be a better clinician because of this weekend
Also, I've not really experienced spaces where trainers can adequately address biracial folks. Your vision for inclusivity is really powerful. As a biracial person, it's taken me a long time to unpack the specific experience of being mixed, particularly because it's not talked about that much. I haven't always known whether I can join BIPOC spaces because my mom is white. I've come to recognize that the "in between" is the difficulty for us and so the balm is to be included. The way you create community DOES THAT -
You're the best trainer I've ever had, hands down. Sending large bouquets your way Also much thanks to your team as I know they were instrumental in letting all our gifts flow freely so please pass along my heartfelt thanks to them as well.
With love,
Brainspotting is Neuro-experiential and goes beyond our clients' benefit, it benefits us as well which is quite different from what we are taught as clinicians...we deserve healing too...
Brainspotting Ph 1 & Ph 2 required for Certification
Check out this video...Learn Brainspotting to support your clients!
Thank you to Yuvelca for the wonderful assistance she contributed 4am that morning...I was in Lagos, the attendees in Abuja, and Yuvelca was in the North of America! We came together on Zoom due to the US Embassy high alert that disallowed my traveling to Abuja, Nigeria for a live Introduction to Brainspotting...Politics ain't enough to limit access to healing...
The interaction was amazingly powerful...we are all art by God!
"There ain't no turf when it comes to healing." Dr. David Grand, Brainspotting developer/founder
"Tracy, Tracy, Tracy...the woman who changed my life from the back of the Conference room after seeing me struggle with the acceptance/acknowledgement of race and color coming from my heritage of Black (slave), White (Spanish), and Indigenous people of the conquered Island. When you said Ase sister! I see you! I see all of you! You are the people you came from and they are you! Embrace them! Embrace all they gave you and come into your fullness!" Nikki M
I am Tracy Gantlin-Monroy, MDiv, LPC, Certified Brainspotting Practitioner/Consultant/Trainer. When I started the Brainspotting journey, POC (persons of color) or BIPOC (Black Indigenous Persons of Color) did not exist. (BIPOC Brainspotting trainings started December 2019 in Atlanta, GA). I was introduced to Brainspotting by a former supervisor, in 2013 or there about. I was an associate licensed professional counselor working towards full licensure. While in supervision, my supervisor stated, "I know your tribe, but you will have to wait until you are fully licensed to afford it." She began to teach me Brainspotting technique. Some years later, while preparing for private practice, I consulted with my former supervisor and asked, "EMDR or Brainspotting?" At which she replied, "Brainspotting all the way!" Needless to say, here I am.
This tremendous formal journey started at a Phase 1 training with Cynthia Swartzberg in Atlanta, GA. In fact, I shared Brainspotting with 2 colleagues from a former agency and invited them on the adventure. At the training, I immediately noticed a room full of people with 3 persons of color; there was me, the person I invited and a woman from NC. A facilitator at the training knew my former supervisor intimately which served as a sense of familiarity. I forwardly asked the facilitator, "are there any persons of color involved in many Black folks come through here?" She looked at me and replied, "let me think about how many...there aren't many as I think about it." In fact, her response stirred curiosity.
I immediately began to squawk. I began to ask questions during the training to be clear about my intent. Unapologetically I made it known the need for healing in my community. The need for developmental, personal, and intergenerational trauma healing is stupendous. This work requires representation; persons of color often times require cultural humility, understanding, non-compliance and resonance. I became impassioned by the pain, disparity, oppression, and lack of access known by marginalized communities…we deserve healing too.
As the training kicked off, I became fascinated with Brainspotting, As Cynthia taught, I noticed nuances that riddled my nervous system at which my spiritual tin hat began to tingle. I stated, "I have a whole tribe of folks that need healing...where is my tribe and why don't we know about Brainspotting?!" I became inquisitive. I actually received healing from a childhood trauma at a training. I then traveled to Florida for the Phase 2 training and immediately began consultation to gain a deeper insight, I wanted to know everything there was to know about Brainspotting. My sole goal was to "hold my stick on 'em” and support healing in community, my community, marginalized community.
Well, 12 consultations later with Cynthia, conversations with POC organizer at the behest of Cynthia led to the birthing of what quickly grew into “BIPOC Nation” according to Dr. David Grand.
I could not have known the impact of Cynthia’s invitation to reach out to another constituent would have resulted in BIPOC Nation. It became a thing of need; We met virtually and a few months later, we kicked off the 1st Persons of Color Brainspotting Phase I training in Atlanta, December 2019, whereby mission minded practitioners of color showed up and showed out from as far away as Canada. When I say mission minded, we were mission minded. It was beautiful. We were Black, Asian, Indian, Latin to name a few on that talented, heartfelt, determined, committed team of Brainspotting folks that believed in the vision.
I will never forget my initial encounter with Dr. Grand at that training. Up to that point, David as we affectionately call the genius, was a legend of sorts. I can still sense David’s kidlike amazement of what was witnessed, felt, and experienced. Healing abounded in that space. Tears, love, laughter, joy, pain, compassion was all there. David swarded the Brainspotting terrain in that moment; he covered the land of Brainspotting with that patch of green grass; those Brainspotting practitioners that traveled from near and far to support the monumental kickoff, BIPOC Brainspotting Nation was born. David stated, “this team are not helpers, you are facilitators.” It was amazingly memorable and set a wonderful precedence. History was made! In a huge way. The energy was simply electric and here we are, here I am.
What I came to learn by experience with BIPOC Brainspotting project, there is a need for counterspace. While in Denver at the International Brainspotting Conference, I was in the hotel’s giftshop. A LatinX sister approached me and stated, “Do you remember me from training?” She reminded me of our encounter during that kickoff BIPOC training; that's her quote up above in this writing. This is what Brainspotting is about, us as clinicians and them, as clients.
There is a need for individuals to “BE” all of themselves, especially in learning environments. It’s challenging enough to promote growth, let alone in constricting environments that promotes code-switching increasing anxiety that comes along with taking in information. The nervous system registers and there are more than a few stories about persons of color learning in dominant cultured spaces resulting in less than positive, healthy outcomes. Journeying with the BIPOC Nation within the Brainspotting community has impacted me personally, professionally and otherwise.
Over the years as a mental health clinician, I have studied numerous modalities and engage eclectic practices consistent with client needs. None of the modalities learned and practiced spoke to me as Brainspotting does. Brainspotting spoke to my spiritual and indigenous practicalities that served as an interesting embodiment as a psychotherapist. Brainspotting brought a sense of neurobiological, scientific hypothesis, noncompliance, non-oppression, non-pathologizing embodiment that can be engaged by anyone, clinician or not to activate healing. Brainspotting entered by bones and was a natural flow to my countenance as a healer.
Dr. David Grand, Developer and Founder of Brainspotting is my mentor. I have facilitated and attended numerous Brainspotting trainings both BIPOC and mainstream as I call them to mean inclusive trainings. Again, BIPOC was nonexistent at the beginning of my Brainspotting journey. I attended numerous MasterClass trainings with David to include UK by Zoom. I developed Brainspotting: Intersectionality & Social Justice training in collaboration with David, presented Marginalized Communities: Serving the Culturally Diverse at the International Brainspotting Conference 2021 in Denver, Colorado and have attended Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 Brainspotting Trainings as well.
BIPOC Brainspotting Phase 1 & Phase 2 trainings, Brainspotting Trainings (Ph 1 & Ph 2) and Brainspotting: Intersectionality & Social Justice (inclusive) training Dates & Registration Links below. Trainings are Friday, Saturday & Sunday 10 am - 7 pm EST via Zoom
BIPOC Phase 1 Training Dates 2025:
January 31-February 2, 2025
June 6-8, 2025
October 3-5, 2025
BIPOC Phase 2 Training Dates 2025
April 4-6, 2025
November 7-9, 2025
Brainspotting Trainings (inclusive trainings qualify for 21 CE available NBCC ACEP Provider $50)
Grace Community Counseling & Social Services, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7637. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Grace Community Counseling & Social Services, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Brainspotting training Dates 2025 (All are welcome)
Brainspotting Phase 1
January 3-5, 2025
August 8-10, 2025
Brainspotting Phase 2
March 7-9, 2025
December 5-7, 2025
Brainspotting: Intersectionality & Social Justice (21 CEs available $50 inclusive-all invited to attend) training dates 2025
May 16-18, 2025
September 19-21, 2025
Location: Online Zoom
Online BIPOC Brainspotting Training For BIPOC Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals
Addiction Counselors | Professional Counselors | Social Workers | Psychologists | Marriage and Family Therapists | Psychiatrists | Nurse Practitioners | Occupational Therapists | Executive/Life Coaches | Naturopaths | Acupuncturists
Asian | African American/Black | Latinx | Indigenous/Native | Mixed Race | Southeast Asian | Pacific Islander | Middle Eastern (if believe that you are treated differently and perceived to be a person of color, this training is for you!
Brainspotting Phase 1 and 2 Trainings for BIPOC Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals are approved by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC and meet the requirements and standards to become a certified Brainspotting practitioner.
Requirements and Expectations:
Do Not Complete the registration form instead:
Email: in the following situations:
This Online BIPOC Brainspotting Phase 1 or Brainspotting Phase 2 training is reserved for BIPOC Mental Health and Healthcare Professionals. This training is approved by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC and meets the Brainspotting requirement towards Brainspotting certification. This training offers a certificate of completion for 21 hours, however CE credits are unavailable because this affinity space is solely persons of color.
Seminar Overview
Brainspotting is a powerful, focused treatment method that works by identifying, processing and releasing core neurophysiological sources of emotional/body pain, trauma, dissociation and a variety of challenging symptoms. Brainspotting is a simultaneous form of diagnosis and treatment, enhanced with BioLateral sound, which is deep, direct, powerful yet focused and containing.
Brainspotting identifies activated eye positions designated as Brainspots. Located through either one or both eyes, Brainspots are observed from either the "Inside Window" of the client's felt sense and/or the "Outside Window" of the client's reflexive responses (i.e., blink, eye twitches or wobbles, pupil dilation, quick breaths, and subtle body shifts).
Students will first learn the phenomenological approach that underpins strategies for Brainspotting, followed by strategies for identifying and processing Brainspots. Attention will be given to the utilization and integration of Brainspotting into ongoing treatment, including highly dissociative clients.
Brainspotting is adaptable to almost all areas of specialization. Brainspotting provides therapists with powerful tools which enable their patients to quickly and effectively focus and process through the deep brain sources of many emotional, somatic and performance problems.
Brainspotting Phase 1 Seminar Objectives:
Participants will be able to...
1. Summarize the standards of care and professional practice of the International Brainspotting Association.
2. Describe the hypothesized neurological underpinnings of how Brainspotting works.
3. Summarize the research that supports the hypothesized way in which eye positions activate and accesses midbrain activity.
4. Explain the uncertainty principle as it relates to Brainspotting.
5. Describe the concepts of simultaneous neurobiological and relational attunement.
6. Explain the importance of client-therapist attunement during Brainspotting.
7. Explain how the treatment frame is set and held by the therapist. Explain the role of focused mindfulness in Brainspotting.
8. Discuss the similarities and differences between the activation and resource models of Brainspotting.
9. Explain the concept of limbic countertransference.
10. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the outside window Brainspotting technique.
11. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the inside window Brainspotting technique.
12. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the gaze spot Brainspotting technique.
13. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the resource model of Brainspotting technique.
14. Assess the appropriate Brainspotting techniques for the treatment of Post-traumatic stress disorder, including the Dissociative Subtype, and other trauma-related symptoms.
15. Describe two challenges to assessing and providing evidence-based treatment to individuals with Complex PTSD.
Brainspotting Phase 2 Seminar Objectives:
Participants will be able to...
1. Summarize the research on client-therapist attunement in in-person and online psychotherapy sessions.
2. Set and utilize the dual attunement frame.
3. Explain the way in which bilateral auditory stimulation may enhance processing during Brainspotting.
4. Explain the role of the allocortex and the agranular Isocortex in Brainspotting.
5. Describe the Oculocardio reflex and its relationship to the Vagus nerve of the parasympathetic nervous system.
6. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the z-axis and vergence therapy techniques.
7. Explain how the one-eye Brainspotting technique can focus and enhance processing of trauma-related experiences.
8. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the one-eye Brainspotting technique.
9. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the rolling Brainspotting technique.
10. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the advanced outside window Brainspotting technique.
11. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the use of the advanced resource model of Brainspotting.
12. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the combined outside-inside Brainspotting technique.
13. Demonstrate a basic mastery of the second level advanced resource model of Brainspotting.
14. Assess how specific advanced Brainspotting techniques can be used for complex PTSD and other trauma related conditions.
A word about CEs
CE providers do not permit CEs for trainings that are advertised as BIPOC/Persons of Color only trainings. All BIPOC Brainspotting trainings are approved by Brainspotting Trainings, LLC and David Grand, PhD Founder and Developer of Brainspotting. This training meets the Phase 1 requirement towards becoming a certified Brainspotting Practitioner.
Cancellation and Refund Policy can be found on Registration forms for specific trainings!
Registration link for BIPOC Phase 1 October 4, 5, 6, 2024 Training:
Registration link for BIPOC Phase 2 November 1, 2, 3, 2024 Training:
January 3, 4, 5, 2025
January 31, February 1 & 2, 2025
July 14-18, 2025 (in person/capped at 10 participants)
August 8, 9, 10, 2025
September 19, 20, 21, 2025
November 7, 8, 9, 2025
December 5, 6, 7, 2025